About Me

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Welcome Year four to our class blog!I am your Garden Buddy and you will have the chance to take me home and show me around your garden.You can then post blog reflections about our time together.You will also use this blog to communicate with a sister school in Far North Queensland, where you will share your observations and experiments. Bye for now and I look forward to seeing you in class and getting a name!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Today I set up my own voki. I realise this is not one of the mandatory tools to blog about but I was engrossedi n the avtivity of creating my voki and this got me thinking about how I could use this in the classroom to enhance learning. Voki is a free tool that allows users to create a character from a range of looks and designs. Most importantly, users can express themselves by giving their voki a voice - either the users own voice or a selected one.

I have analysed this tool further using a SWOT analysis:
Easy to set up and embed
Allows students to express creativity
Is only for non-commercial use
Provides the human element to online learning
Allows students to practice speaking and pronunciation skills
Can increase oral participation

Students and learning manager alike can get caught up in the tool and forget content
To my knowlegde the recording time is relatively short ( please let me know if you know a way to increase the time limits)
Students need an email address to create and keep their voki

Can be used as a learning tool for ESL learners so they can practice speaking and hear themselves afterward
Can give shy or reluctant students a chance to share their voice and express their opinion
Learning Managers can use a voki to give important messages or to present a key question

As with any online tool, learners and learning managers need to be aware of internet safety and take necessary precautions.
There are no limits on the type of content or content filters

I would love to hear your comments and ideas about ways to use voki in the classroom. Watch this space for my updated voki!

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