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Welcome Year four to our class blog!I am your Garden Buddy and you will have the chance to take me home and show me around your garden.You can then post blog reflections about our time together.You will also use this blog to communicate with a sister school in Far North Queensland, where you will share your observations and experiments. Bye for now and I look forward to seeing you in class and getting a name!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mind boggling mind maps

According to Eric Frangenheim (2007), brainstorming is one the most commonly used thinking strategies that learning managers utilise in their classrooms because it has the potential to promote risk-taking, creativity, divergent and critical thinking. Mind mapping or concept mapping is one way in which learners can brainstorm, organise and present information.

I have only created one mind map using the bubble.us program and whilst I can see the enormous benefits of this program, I must admit I find these types of graphic organisers frustrating. I have a had a more in depth conversation with Pauline White about mind maps and this can be viewed here, however after much reflecting and discussion with university lecturers, I now realise that this is one tool I should try to become more acquainted with. I found a great article on BBC online about some of the benefits of concept mapping for students with dyslexia amd it is well worth the read.


  1. Hi Kristen, I read with interest your discussion with Pauline in relation to the mindmap. I am intersting then in how you found Prezi? Since discovering mindmaps I use them in my assignment planning and it helps me to get all my thoughts down, and add to them. However with prezi, I find it confusing, and I keep going through it to see 'what happens next' without actually reading the content. I look forward to your thoughts.

  2. Hi Wendy,

    I find prezi just as frustrating and have even felt sea sick using this tool as it moves and jumps from one place to another. I haven't yet blogged about this tool as I am yet to create a decent prezi that is worth posting to my blog. My last prac class (grade 6) often used this tool to present information and often chose it over powerpoint, so again, just like concept mapping I do think it is crucial I become familiar with it as students obviously find it useful and engaging.
    Recently a group of colleagues at uni presented an assessment task using Prezi and so far this was the best use of it ai had seen. For me, I think I am so familiar with PowerPoint that I am simply reluctant to change over to Prezi, but I am slowly working on this. Iam interested to read the views of others on this tool to see what benefits they can see over using PowerPoint.
