About Me

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Welcome Year four to our class blog!I am your Garden Buddy and you will have the chance to take me home and show me around your garden.You can then post blog reflections about our time together.You will also use this blog to communicate with a sister school in Far North Queensland, where you will share your observations and experiments. Bye for now and I look forward to seeing you in class and getting a name!

Friday, July 9, 2010

The beginning of my blogging journey

I'm the first to admit that blogging is not second nature for me. I only bought my first computer at the beginning of last year and have had the same mobile phone for years. It's not that I am afraid of technology, it's just that for something that is supposed to make things faster I tend to waste a lot of time using them.

I was a little apprehensive about starting my blog, but already I can see the addiction and as this is a professional blog, the ideas about its functionality and place in the 21st-century classroom are already becoming clear.

Now that I have mastered how to actually set up a blog, my initial thoughts on blogging in the classroom is that it could be a great way of facilitating communication between students, parents, others schools and international sister schools. I know with my own prac class this year, blogging would serve as an ideal way to increase the sense of 'community' and relationship building within the class. The possibilities are endless, although as with all technology and online communication blogging is not without risks and as future educators we should be fully aware of these.

I am really looking forward to my blogging journey and discovering the variety of e-tools and technologies available. It's time to start investigating!

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