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Welcome Year four to our class blog!I am your Garden Buddy and you will have the chance to take me home and show me around your garden.You can then post blog reflections about our time together.You will also use this blog to communicate with a sister school in Far North Queensland, where you will share your observations and experiments. Bye for now and I look forward to seeing you in class and getting a name!

Monday, August 16, 2010


I have to admit I have been holding off blogging about podcasting. For starters, even after listening to the tutorial about podcasting I was still confused about what a podcast really was let alone how I was supposed to implement it in the classroom and secondly, when I tried to create my own podcast it seemed so easy and worked fine...until I tried to embed it into my blog! It is still lost somewhere in cyber-space, so for now I will just investigate what it is and how I could use it in my context and will save the creation until after some further discussion with fellow bloggers.

From my internet searches I have discovered that a podcast is a digital recording of a radio broadcast or something along the lines of an audio, that can be uploaded to the internet ready for downloading onto a personal audio player. This information almost had me finish this blog then and there as I don't have an ipod or MP3 player so I was about to deem this tool 'not for me' until I read that all you need is a computer and an internet connection!

Being an auditory learner I am suprised I had not thought of using this tool earlier. There is a podcast for everything and everyone. I found a great website www.buzzle.com that gave me some interesting ideas for using podcasts in the classroom context.

Using Podcasts in a classroom context:

  • Use it as a tool for students to practice their vocabulary at home
  • Have students practice their second language using a podcast
  • Have students create their own podcast to interact with other students or teachers
  • Program parents computers to automatically capture the schools broadcasts
  • Create student interviews on a podcast
  • Record sounds of things and places and use it for a listening skills lesson or to simply enhance a lesson
  • Podcasting allows teachers to turn a once deemed distracting divice into an effective learning tool that is viewed by students as 'cool'!

While I do think the above points are viable, to me I think this tool may be one that often gets used for the sake of using the tool and not for the sake of learning. In saying that I would love for someone to prove me wrong!


  1. Hi Kristen,
    Thank you for those great comments about my blog site saying that it's easy to navigate.
    I like you blog site as well as it is very thoroughly researched and reviewed.

    There are a lot of excellent reviewing of the web 2.0 tools available for Learning Managers to use to support teaching and learning in the 21st Century.

    In regards to you question about my reviews is that some are embedded as video blogs recorded by me and my own tech write-ups will follow including either a SWOT or PMI Chart analysis of the products tested.
    I'm been catching up myself with reviews as I've helping other students catch up with some of the technologies.

    One of the blogs that you can comment on is my Weebly blog found at:

    I'll be back to add more comments to your blog later tonight.

  2. Hi Kristen,
    I forgot to mention that the whole website is a really a concept map discreetly interwoven into the site.
    The images and layout are both designed so the reader remember the text using visual literacy techniques.

    Have a great day Kristen and thank you again for your wonderful comments.
